Friday, November 8, 2013

Audio Tour - WM Keck Museum <-- Link to mp3 of audio tour. - For this project I chose to do a tour of the WM Keck Mineral Museum on the UNR campus. Making an audio tour for a mineral museum was a unique challenge because of the objective nature of a scientific museum. Even though I think the museum is rather interesting, I wanted to give a sense of intrigue and maybe a bit of pizzazz to this space, and make it "smooth" and "cool." A film noir theme seemed to fit just right. There was enough material to use as clues of sort, but at the same time, I encountered the problem of being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff the museum has. I ended up cutting and re-recording many parts so that they would fit into a neat little tour. When it comes to the actual story of the tour, I did not intent for there to be a clear plot. I wanted it to be open ended, leaving enough to the imagination of the listeners, but I also did not want to take away from the exhibits themselves.